Microsoft Xbox

Good news everyone, car boot sales have started up again, and at the second one I went to I spotted a box with an original Xbox on top, so £25 was quickly exchanged, and the box went straight to the boot of my car

The box contained a mass of cables and Xbox related paraphernalia, but no games. At this point I had no idea if it was even working

Anyway, here's the top and bottom, it's as you would expect

Front and back, four controller ports, an eject disc tray button, and the momentary power button. The rear has a standard C7 (fig-8) power lead, video out and a network socket

And the sides, which are just vents

I have two advanced SCART cables, not sure what's in the box though, the TV said RGB on it's on-screen info panel

And a normal composite video lead

A Duke controller

And two S controllers, I only got two detachable connectors though

It works, I wasn't expecting it to

Holy moly, it would appear this is a modded Xbox with some games installed, I have tried to show you all the games in the photos above

An old version of XBMC (now Kodi)

That's a somewhat "interesting" test screen for the 50/60Hz switcher

It can play DVD's from all regions, I am in region 2, so that's the only discs I have, but they play fine

Playing with different skins

boXplorer (file explorer)

Trying out some of the games, here's Sonic Heroes

The Simpsons Hit and Run

Project Gotham Racing

Unrelated stuff that was in the box

Some random cables

An Xbox360 composite video lead and a Kinect

A Xbox360 power pack

And whatever this is


Another Xbox (Working but stock)

Xbox Crystal (Gives Error 12 on boot, E12 is to do with the DVD drive)

Another Xbox, bought at a car boot sale for £2. Untested so far

Two DVD remote receivers, these would unlock the DVD player functionality on unmodified Xboxes

Two S controllers

Another S controller for the Xbox Crystal

Two video leads and a controller adaptor

Links 2004

Turok Evolution


Dead or Alive 3

The Thing (Lego Bionical Barraki)

Pro Evolution Soccer 5

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

Amped 2 (In a PS3 box)

More software picked up from Facebook Marketplace

Unreal Championship 2

Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix

Halo 2


The Punisher

A - Invalid Argument, 444:1

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