Sony PlayStation 2 Slim

I picked this up recently in a job lot of retro gaming hardware, it's currently untested as I didn't get the PSU, I wonder if the PSU is the same as the PSone? It's a shrunken PlayStation 2 with an external PSU

It's very pink, much more pink than the pictures would suggest, it was quite grubby when I got it, it has a flip top cover for the DVD drive, which is released by a button on the front

The bottom is just the label

On the front it has the usual connections, two memory card slots, two controller ports, two USB ports, the disc tray open button, the power button, and the IR port, and yes, the badge still rotates.
The rear has a network socket, optical audio out, video port, and the external PSU socket. There is no expansion bay or power switch

The sides are mostly plain, however there's an adjustment screw on the left hand side, I've no idea what it does

A pink full-size controller

A pink 8MB memory card

And I even got a pink carrying case with it

And this is it compared to a full-size PS2


I acquired another PS2 Slim at a car boot sale recently, this one is black, and it had a disc in the drive, whether the seller knew that is open to speculation. However it did not come with the PSU, so I now have two of these with no PSU between them

From the top, this one has embossed logos, the pink one above does not have these

The front is the same, so is the rear with the same ports

The bottom with model label, the pink one has the model as SCPH-77003 and needs 5.3A, whereas the black one is a SCPH-79003 and takes 4.5A

The sides are the same

Disc tray with and without a disc

Standard composite video lead

And it came with this Quickshot branded wireless controller adaptor, but no controllers

And finally a 64MB memory card

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