On this page you will find site updates, or pictures of retro gear I've just bought or I have found on display while out in the wild.
If I bought it, it will get an entry in the museum soon
11/02/2025 - Amstrad Modu-Modu-Modulator
A £4 Vinted find, convert your CPC from a nice crisp video display from the dedicated monitor... To RF
Amstrad Module MP1
05/02/2025 - Oblong Video Master Super Score with Rifle
An Ebay find, there was two of them available, if you're quick
Videomaster Superscore
28/01/2025 - Finally figured out how to do comments
Am I mad? Yes, but the dedicated museum pages now have comments enabled, and yes I know all about "FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING"! So there!
No subscribing to Disqus for me
25/01/2025 - Massive (mostly) behind the scenes site update
I've been doing a lot of work on this site, mainly to do with the Nav bar at the bottom of the screen, it now has menus that pop up, give them a try
09/01/2025 - Another day, another Grandstand
Another Vinted find, missing the battery cover. Seems to be the same as the Grandstand Cartridge in a different case
Grandstand Colour Programmable
08/01/2025 - Short Rainbow
My lovely better half has again alerted me to retro hardware which was for sale on FB Marketplace
Atari 2600 Jr
06/01/2025 - Share to Facebook, Threads, Reddit, and Copy URL features now enabled
They are in the Share menu at the bottom of every page, please use them
05/01/2025 - Best. Game. Ever.
I replayed Super Mario World over the Christmas and New Year holidays, I finished it but with only 94 exits complete, so now I need to go through each level again to find what I missed
04/01/2025 - Easter eggs
They are starting to creep in here, can you find one?
Clue: If you visit the dark side often enough, you may find one of the museum's resident kitties...
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