A warm welcome to Ian's Retro Museum! This is the story of my retro-gaming collecting adventure. I have been collecting all kinds of hardware and software almost my whole life, much to the annoyance of those around me, and I'm too old to stop now.One day I would like to have all of my collection in a dedicated building out on display for everyone to come and play, you know, just like an actual museum. But until then, this site will have to do. The collection was originally documented on my other site ianwilliamhill.co.uk, but as it grew larger and larger and larger the page documenting it all was getting ridiculous, so a new solution was needed... Introducing iansretromuseum.co.uk, a brand new site from ianwilliamhill.co.uk. A cleaner, more modern way to show my collection to all retro gaming fans around the world! And not so many cats are featured this time!* *In my own opinion
About the museumIn my collection I have computers from the 8-bit era with their BASIC programming languages, slow loading cassette recorders and simple games, passing through to the 16-bit era with their operating systems using fancy floppy discs and their even fancier graphics and sound, then beyond into the beige world of PC's and even further into the world of portable computing with laptops. There are also games consoles ranging from the first beeps and straight white lines of the Pong consoles through to the 8, 16, and even 64 bit cartridge systems that were fighting hard for your loyalty, and more importantly, your money. Then we travel into the exciting world of compact disc based systems when 3D gaming was taking off in a big way. You will also find hand-held consoles for gaming on the move from basic flashing LED's and grating square wave tones up until sophisticated cartridge based 3D gaming. And all the accessories and software that made your own chrerished systems uniquely yours.
The different rooms of the museum PONG Consoles: • Pong Clones Retro Computers: • Home Computers • Desktop PC's • Laptops Retro Games Consoles: • Games Consoles • Plug And Play • Hand Held Consoles Retro Mobile Devices: • Phones and PDA's Retro Accessories: • Joysticks and controllers • Cassette Recorders • Printers • Displays And Monitors • Retro System Upgrades Other Retro Content: • Modern Recreations • Retro Collections • Retro Places • Retro Projects • Other Retro Stuff
The dark area
This is the part of the museum that is roped off and holds many secrets that are not meant to be seen by the public, can you find them all?
If not, I hope you still find this as interesting and as nostalgic as I do.
Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".
No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site
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