Sony PlayStation

Here is my PlayStation, this one was donated to me recently with no games, no controllers, and no cables, luckily, I already had a PSone, and all the leads and controllers are compatible
So lets get started, We all know that the PlayStation was originally to be an add on for the Super Nintendo, but Nintendo pulled out and developed the N64 instead, this left Sony to develop the add on into a full game console, and beat Nintendo at their own game
Years before though, Sony had developed a MSX compatible machine, so were not new to the gaming market

The top of the unit has the disc tray with release button, a toggle power switch with LED, and a reset button

The front of the unit has two controller ports, and two memory card slots, while the rear has a serial I/O port, AV multi out, AC in, and a parallel I/O port under a removable cover

The controller with the analogue sticks, this is from the PSone

Here are the memory cards, the two football cards were bought for £1 each in a clearence sale

This is the RF adaptor, although RGB and RCA leads were available, this is from my PSone

If the PlayStation is booted without a game disc, you get this screen, this is the memory card management and CD player options


I'm sure I had more games than these, but I've obviously put them somewhere safe, and now can't find them anywhere!
Once I find them, I'll add them here

Crash Bandicoot


Good news everyone, I found the rest of games

Barbie Super Sports

Gran Turismo 2


CT Special Forces

Planet of the Apes

The Lion King


Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Deathtrap Dungeon

Barbie Explorer


Riding Star

Detective Barbie

Jurassic Park Warpath

X-Men 2 Mutant Academy

Monsters Inc Scare Island

Action Man Mission Extreme

Alien Trilogy

Tomb Raider

Tony Hawk's Skateboarding

Colin McRae Rally

Fighting Force

Gauntlet Legends

Software updates
I found these discs recently

Original Playstation demo disc

Tomb Raider I, II , and III demo disc

Another copy of Rayman, this one has the PlayStation logo in black and silver, as opposed to the white and black like the one further up the page

Hardware updates

Another controller

More hardware updates

This grubby Playstation is my second machine, it cost me £5 with no leads or controllers, I have not tested it yet but I did give it a wipe over, although I was assured it was fully working by the seller

Top and bottom

Front and back

Laser assembly


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