Been after one of these for ever, saw this one in The Retro Hunter in Southend on Sea and immediately bought it, I already have the plug and play TV Play Power version of the Intellivision, but I've wanted the original for as long as I can remember
The controllers store nicely in the unit, which is quite flat, they are hardwired with coiled cable which isn't very long. The metal labels are slightly gold coloured which looks nice
Intellivision = a portmanteau of Intelligent Television. I learn something new every day
The controls on the unit are a reset button and power switch
The cable slides under this vent when placed in the unit
Looks more like a phone keypad than a controller
There are two buttons on either side
The base of the unit has the model/serial label and a "sound control", so I wonder if the sound comes out the unit rather than the TV?
Woodgrain to match even the most 1970s style of décor. The rear has an RF socket and power connector, it would appear the power supply in built in, need to check for Rifa's
Close up of the RF and power sockets
The cartridge slot is on the side
Close up
The cartridge installed in the unit, it sticks out the side a bit
I only got one cartridge at the moment, Burger Time
The cartridge is quite small
This is not the original power lead, but it was included unlike a RF lead
I will test this very soon
Testing complete
A nervous wait while the TV tunes itself in
This is what it displays with no cartridge installed, the screen is slightly red
Turn off, insert cartridge, turn on and BOOM!
Everything works I'm happy to report
Burger Time is a great game, and this is a great conversion
See for yourself, I'll add I was trying to hold the camera and play the game at the same time. And as you can clearly see, men can't multitask!
Software update
Tron (Maze-A-Tron)