Another car boot sale find, I know nothing about this console other than it was for children, I'm not expecting great things here. The manufacturer was Leap Frog and the LeapTV was one of many games consoles aimed at kids
It's a round unit, there was supposed to be a stand, but it's missing here
HDMI, Mini USB (for the camera), ethernet, and power are all you get on the back, and the front has a controller pairing button, cartridge slot, and momentary power button, the opaque ring illuminates when switched on
The controller is unusual as it can transform from a scissor shape, to a handlebar shape, it is quite small for my fat hands and would be uncomfortable being used for extended periods
Branded, but otherwise normal HDMI lead
PSU, 9V at 700mA
The camera, it has a mini USB plug on the end, that looks like it got a bit hot, there is a stand that flips out and can be locked into position with a thumb screw
Dora and Friends - The Magic Ring
Sofia the First
The cartridge, on the underside there is a familiar MicroSD shaped card cheekily poking out
Software update
Blaze and the Monster Machines
Kart Racing Supercharged
Sofia the First (Duplicate)
Getting started guide
Flyer for online content
Parent information
Guided setup for parents side one
Guided setup for parents side two
Play testing
It boots to an animated logo, then into the menu where you can choose a profile, what's not shown here is the lengthy loading times between screens
Anyway tried to go into the settings and you need to enter a PIN. There is an emergency PIN which is 1, 9, 6, <Backspace>, 8, 7. Where <Backspace> is the delete button on the on-screen keypad
If no cartridge is inserted, then you get this option, which is like a virtual pet
Plugging in a cartridge, which takes A G E S to load
The graphics and sound are much improved over something like the Inmotion games console, which isn't that difficult I admit, but it's nice to see Leap Frog haven't cheapened out by using a NOAC like other kids console manufacturers. The speech and sound effects are vomit inducing but that's by design. The main issue is everything takes far too long to load and you're looking at a black, or dark green screen for ages, which is not good when you have an excitable child with far too much energy to use up
Ask me how I know!
R - Tape loading error, 0:1