Sony Playstation 2

I used to have a silver PS2, I think one of my kids has it, so I bought another one during a recent panic buying experience, I'd rather have this than toilet roll

I have the original Playstation and later PSOne models already

The PS2 is still currently the world's best selling games console, and it has a badge that rotates to match the orientation of the console
It offered backward compatibility with most original Playstation games, and the ability to play audio CDs and DVDs, in a time when DVD players were more expensive this was a major key selling point

This is a later version, the SCPH-50003, this revision includes the IR port for the DVD remote and loses the i.LINK port

Apart from the PS2 detailing, the console is just black plastic from above and below with a little embossed text here and there

On the front left are two controller ports, these are the same as the original Playstation ports, two memory card slots, and two USB ports, there are some games that allowed the use of USB keyboards and mice. On the right hand side is the disc tray with the power/reset switch, and the disc tray open/close button, in between these buttons is a small IR port for the DVD remote. Yes I know the badge rotates to match the orientation of the console

On the rear right side is the power switch, standard "figure-8" power lead socket, the AV Multi out socket which connects to the TV via several different connection methods, and an optical (TOSLINK) audio out connection

On the left side is an expansion bay covered by a plastic cover

This is the video lead that came with the machine, I had to use an adaptor lead to connect it to the TV

Just a standard C7 power lead

The controller that came with the console is an unknown 3rd party controller

Anyway lets boot it up and test it, it seems to work

I don't have any games to try, and while I'm sure I have a memory card somewhere, it's not to hand right now. So let's go into the configuration screen, you can hide the text by pressing the square button

The version information screen, some of you like that

The disc tray opens fine, so let's put a DVD in to it. BTW I know the badge rotates on the tray

Seems to play just fine

Yes I know the badge rotates!


There is none at the moment, check back soon...

Now there is some software, and more hardware

Two more working PS2's

These are the earlier versions without the IR port

Three controllers, one silver, two black

Two memory cards, one is 8MB and the other is 16MB

Third party controller with chaffed cable

Official controller I picked up at a car boot sale for a whole £1, it has a missing thumb pad


Noddy and the Magic Book

Monster House

Need for Speed Pro Street

The Simpsons Road Rage

Casper and the Ghostly Trio

FIFA Football 2004 (No label)

Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock


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