Entertainment System

I spotted this on Vinted, where all the cheap games consoles live. Even before unboxing the console, I can tell this will be almost exactly the same as the Super Mini SFC I already have

The box is nice although the translation of the text from what I assume was Chinese is not the best

There's a little bit of damage in one of the corners, but the rest of the box is in good condition

Not sure if this is how it was originally packed, but it all seems to fit

It looks like a small NES, not as accurate as the Raspberry Pi case I have though

Looks nice from the top, but there are cable burns on the bottom

From the front and back it looks a little squashed, it's not quite right. Power and video out are all that's available on the rear, and two Atari "style" nine pin joystick ports on the front along with the power and reset switches

The sides have no ports or detailing on them

The controllers feel extremely cheap, and the wire feels like it would break with minimal effort. Again there are cable burn marks on the cases

There is a Nintendo style d-pad, along with four action buttons and the start and select buttons, not sure if these are all independant and a shift register is used to send the data to the console, or they are all wired together and the Atari wiring standard is used? I didn't try to work that out

A top quality power supply, not sure if this was included with the console when it was new

Composite video and "stereo" audio is what you get from the console

When the console is powered up there are no boot screens, it just goes straight to this screen, you can move the triangle shaped sprite up and down to select which game you want, and moving left and right swaps pages. There seems to be blocks of games in alphabetical order, but which block the game you want is in, is the question

The console claims 620 games, in reality it's not that many, they just modify existing Nintendo NES games to change the sprites and title screens. At least this one has fifty different versions of Super Mario installed

Also I found Police Dog Lasy

R - Tape loading error, 0:1

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