Xbox 360

This Xbox 360 was donated to me and is the newest console I have, It is one of the original Xbox 360's with a 60GB hard disc. Unusually it still works, no red ring of death here

The sides are plain with the XBOX 360 logo stamped on each side

The front has the disc tray, an infra red port, two memory card slots, a connect button for the controllers, and two USB ports under a flap (which is stuck down on mine)
The rear has the power socket, a multi-av out, HDMI out, a USB, and a Ethernet port

Here is the 60GB hard disc, which pops off with the press of a button

Here is the top and bottom of the hard disk

The bottom just has vents

Close up of the front USB and memory card slots

I got one official Microsoft controller, which is a bit temperamental, and it has the wrong battery compartment

I also got the wifi adaptor

This is the power supply

For some reason I got three AV leads, two composite leads...

And a component lead with optical audio out

I do have a box, it's the wrong box, but it's somewhere to keep it safe

This disc was in the tray, it's the only game I have so far. Bit too modern for me

Hardware updates
Original XBOX controller, which works
This came with a rechargeable battery, but I don't have the charging lead

More hardware updates
At a recent car boot sale I bought a box of Xbox stuff which had these Xbox 360 bits in as well

An Xbox360 composite video lead and a Kinect

A Xbox360 power pack

And whatever this is

More updates

Another working Xbox 360, this is a later model with a 120GB hard disc and a Gears of War vinyl cover applied to the (white) fascia

Another PSU

Another Kinect

Another Wifi dongle

Two video leads with RCA to SCART adaptor

Another controller with rechargeable battery with two USB leads, and the official headset

Some Disney Infinity "thing" with a Tow Mater "thing" to go on it

Even more updates

Official DVD remote

Chat board


Halo 4

Army of two

Battlefield 3

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)


Call of Juarez Bound in Blood

Call of Duty Black Ops II

Free "untested" Xbox 360 update

This rather grubby 360 was being given away for free on Facebook Marketplace, it was listed as untested but complete and with accessories

On taking it out the bag for life it had been delicately placed in, I saw this. It appears this 360 has had a hard life and could tell many stories

The hard disc looks ok though

Under the hard disc also looks ok

Here's where things start to fall over, the bottom vanity cover is broken and does not stay attached to the console, and there's corrosion on the metal sheilding

Looks ok, if a little grubby from the sides

I also got four controllers, only one has the battery cover

And there's only one charging lead

There was also a wifi adaptor. However I broke the antenna trying to untangle it, it's now all floppy, and no-one needs a floppy antenna

These nasty headphone also came with the Xbox, and the ear cushions will be swiftly deposited in the bin

The power pack and mains lead

It came with an HDMI lead though. I am not expecting this Xbox 360 to work


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