Another day, another PONG console, and I've found another Grandstand PONG console on Vinted to share with you
The Grandstand Colour Programmable is another one of the PC-50x family, it probably has very similar internals to the Grandstand Cartridge I already have
All the controls are the same as the Grandstand Cartridge, and the cartridge port looks exactly the same as well
For your hard earned money you get a volume slider control, a large orange reset button, automatic/manual serve, difficulty level for each player, fast or slow ball speed, and console power
Also you get ten button for the games stored on the cartridges, this doesn't mean there is ten games on each cartridge, there's just ten availble slots for games
The base of the unit, the battery cover is missing, but these can be 3D printed now
Close up of the labels and battery compartment
The rear of the unit showing the fixed RF lead, external power socket, and DIN socket likely for the rifle attachment
The sides of the console each contain a port for the controllers
Standard RF lead with Belling-Lee plug
The controllers look nice and include a serve/fire button and the usual non-centering stick
Of course there are two of them, they have different decorations to tell them apart
Like most consoles of the era, these controllers use a seven pin DIN plug, no idea if they are compatible with each other
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