On a recent trip to Swindon to pick up a box of free stuff from Retro Gamez HQ in Swindon, I couldn't resist buying this Pong clone, along with the Prinztronic Micro 5500. This is another of the PC-50x family along with the Micro 5500 above, the Grandstand Cartridge, and as it turns out, the Teleng Colourstars
The very colourful box is in good condition for its age
The console and accessories are still in their protective plastic bags
The controllers are similar to other Pong consoles of the era, but are detachable using 5 pin DIN plugs
It even came with the antenna switch box, look how cute this is, it still has the sticky pad to hold it to the TV, however it isn't sticky anymore, but whatever
It also came with the original power adaptor
The console itself, with all the standard controls and cartridge slot, I imagine it won't do anything without a cartridge installed like other PC-50x series consoles
The base of the unit with the volume control, model label, and a lot of patent information embossed onto the plastic
The rear of the unit has the controller ports, a colour switch (whatever that does), the external power socket, and the fixed RF lead, the dial next to that is the volume control
Side profile
Like the Tele-sports III the cartridge from the Grandstand Cartridge doesn't fit
I have the owners manual
I have a flyer for other game cartridges you could purchase
And another promotional leaflet
I even have the original receipt, from Woolworth in Swindon, it was purchased on the 28th of November 1978, that was a Tuesday, and it cost £39.95. Could this have been someone's Christmas preasent?
Google Maps suggests the address is now a Peacocks