On a recent trip to Swindon to pick up a box of free stuff from Retro Gamez HQ in Swindon, I couldn't resist buying this Pong clone, along with the Radofin Tele-sports III. This is another of the PC-50x family along with the Radofin above, the Grandstand Cartridge, and as it turns out, the Teleng Colourstars
And Prinztronic (and it's variants) was Dixon's in-house brand for tech imported from Japan
The box is in reasonably good condition for it's age, and makes the console's gameplay look very exciting
Boxed with Polys, and the unit is pretty small compared to some other Pong consoles of the era, the controllers have the same non-centring sticks as the rest of them, they have a serve button as well, and they are permanently attached to the unit
The base of the unit has the battery compartment and the model label
Close-up of the model label
The rear of the unit has a volume control, external power connector, and the leads
The cartridge from the Grandstand cartridge doesn't fit, the cartridge from the Teleng Colourstars may though, they may even be electrically compatible
When putting it all back in the box, I noticed the cut out for the console in the polystyrene looks like a car
Cartridge update
Picked this up off ebay as I didn't have any carts for some of the Pong consoles like the Radofin Tele-sports III and Prinztronic Micro 5500 I have already. You may notice it says suitable for Acetronic, Radofin 1292, and Prinztronic microprocessor systems on the label, this was the cheapest cartridge I could find on ebay, I'm using it for testing purposes
Then I picked up a Pong console that came with two cartridges for these systems
So I didn't need to buy this one, but oh well
This one is working
Think this was a shooting game
This is a breakout style game
No idea what this is
You can change the background colour between three colours
6 - Number too big, 523:1