I had a bit of a score at Revival Games in Plymouth, four boxed Pong consoles for £20, that's £5 each, bargain!
The top and bottom of the box are in an ok condition
The sides are the same on both sides, although one side has faded a bit
The poly tray just slides out from the side like the boxes for the ZX81 and Spectrum, and is in a good condition, there is no lid, the sleeve holds it all in
The instructions are included
One of the controllers is missing the stick, but it's still usable, it's the same stick across the range, and you may be able to 3D print a replacement
It looks familiar, as these are all rebadged clones made in Asia
The battery compartment and model label
Hard wired controller and RF leads
This is working perfectly
On putting it all back, I noticed the original price sticker £27.95 from WHSmiths
9 - STOP statement, 583:1