I found this at Retro Bristol during an unexpected visit as the better half had a short notice hair appointment nearby
Obviously I had to buy it
The box is just a sleeve over a polystyrene box, and is not in the best condition, although it still functions as a box
It's a bit plain compared to other boxes I have
The unit itself is a beast, it looks very well made, and it offers a total of six games to play, which are selected by a large dial in the middle of the console
It does look good. The controllers are stored in the unit itself and are connected with flimsy cable and do not detach from the unit
The unit can run from batteries or a mains adaptor
The rear of the unit has a plug for a rifle attachment
Nice wedge shape
The controllers removed from the unit, with the thin cable
Close up of the controllers, just a rotary dial and a serve button
It came with the instruction leaflet
Normal RF plug