I got this for £5 from Revival Games in Plymouth, it's an identical clone of the Prinztronic Micro 5500
The box is in good condition
It's very colourful to show off this is a colour console
Programmable, meaning it takes cartridges from the PC-50x range
It still has the original bag
Top and bottom
Battery compartment, model label, and volume control. There are some brown marks in the battery compartment
Hardwired leads as was common for the time
Controllers, the orange sticks unscrew and will fit the Acetronic Colour TV Game which has one missing
User manual
This came with games, I had just bought one for the other Pong consoles from ebay as well, which was annoying
The boxes look pretty stylish and would look great on display
I could not get this one working at all, just a black screen like no cartridge was installed
Although I did notice this information on the box when putting it back