TV Master Mk6

What comes between the Binatone TV Master Mk4 and the Binatone TV Master Mk8?

The Binatone TV Master Mk6 of course! So here is one I acquired recently, it's not been tested yet, it will be soon. However the Mk6 looks very much like the Mk4 but with two extra rifle based games. Interestingly, there was a Mk4+2 version which looks like the Mk6, I will get myself one of those soon...

Apart from the two extra games available, it looks very similar to the previous Mk4 version, with its detachable controllers and large centre speaker grill it's easy to mix them up

Potential superstars can rest easy as the best sticker in the world is all present and correct

The cables and controllers can be stored in the battery compartment, not sure if they are meant to be, but they can. The battery compartment has cutouts for the RF lead to poke through

Same wedge design as the Mk4, but unlike the Mk4 there are extra sockets for the rifle attachment, they are still filled in on previous versions although you can see where they would be. A previous owner has labelled the external power socket with a 9V sticker

Also a previous owner, who may have been called Jenny, has put a name sticker on the back

The controllers, I have two, they are the same as the Mk4 although they do say Mk6 on them, the font used for the number 6 looks a little different to the rest of the letters on the controller, and they have the same 2.5mm jack plug as the previous versions controllers, so are likely the same. No serve or fire buttons are used here though

I will report back when it's been tested...


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