Ian's Retro Museum
Retro Sticks of Joy

My collection of joysticks and joypads

Also known as controllers

Did you waggle any of these back in the day, and how many did you break while furiously waggling them playing Daley Thompson's Decathalon?

I broke a few of the C16 Plus/4 joysticks with their silly Mini DIN style connectors

Or do you remember the hassle of connecting them to the Spectrum, did you have the Kempston, Cursor, or Sinclair interface?
Or did you have one of the later Amstrad Speccys that didn't use the Atari standard despite using the same plug?

Did the cable cause the interface to move slightly and disconnect itself causing a crash?


There are 19 controllers in the museum

Sticks of Joy

My collection of joysticks which is what we called controllers before controllers were invented

Logitech Driving Force Pro

Made for the PS3 and Xbox 360 but can be used with anything as it's USB

Sega Arcade Racer

For the Sega Saturn, bought from FB Marketplace along with the virtua stick below and two games

Sega Virtua Stick

For the Sega Saturn, bought from FB Marketplace along with the arcade racer above and two games

Interact V3 Racing Wheel

Cheap wheel and pedals for the Playstation, not bad, but not good either

Mad Katz Dual Force Racing Wheel

The less said about this Playstation wheel the better!

Google Stadia Premiere Edition

Free local pickup from FB Marketplace, can work as a Bluetooth controller if the device supports BT Low Energy. Which my Retropie PC doesn't!

Sega Mega Drive Arcade Power Stick

Bought from a Retro Gaming store in Wrexham for £15. Some haggling was involved

UDraw tablet for the Wii

£1.99, yes £1.99 from Gamescene in Kingswood near Bristol

Joy Tech Jordan Grand Prix Wheel

Cheap wheel for a PS2, and despite looking like the gear lever has a lot of travel, it doesn't

Lotus Wheel

Lotus branded wheel for the Xbox

Nintendo NES Advantage

Arcade stick for the NES bought from CEX in Swindon

4Gamers Compact Driver

Bought from the Fishponds branch of Gamescene in Bristol, had a pack of blank DVD's in the box

Sega Light Phaser

Light gun for the Sega Mastersystem, bought from Revival Games in Plymouth

Cherry G270 Keyboard

Found in a local charity shop, wouldn't normally bother with including keyboards, but this is Cherry branded and it's for a Mac

Microsoft Sidewinder

Saw LGR's video about this PC joystick, then saw it again in a local charity shop

Asciiware Super Advantage

From Retro Gamez HQ in Swindon for the SNES

Sega Control Stick

Kind of an arcade stick for the Mastersystem, it's wrong, but right at the same time

Quickshot QS-135 for Sega Megadrive

Found in a box, can't remember where I got it from, it's for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis

The dark area

I hope you all find this as interesting and as nostalgic as I do.

And if you do, why not check out the next page in my retro museum... Desktops

Or to quicky jump to another room of the museum, click or tap on Rooms at the bottom of this screen

Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".

No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site

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