Mad Katz
Dual Force Racing Wheel

This is crap, I found it at a car boot sale, it was extremely dirty as you can see, and it feels so cheap and fragile. I feel sorry for anyone who used this back in the day

So crap it isn't even round at the bottom, the buttons feel like you're pushing down on a mattress, and the pedals break free from the mechanism and travel to the bottom, so you have to pull them back up again if you ever dare to put more than slight pressure on them

Dual Force of crap, prepare to lose all your digital and analog races

Looks crap from the side as well

Crap suckers that don't stick to anything and rubber feet that slide everywhere

Cheap, nasty, and crap battery compartment and crap socket for the pedals

Crap plugs that have deformed and don't fit into their respective sockets properly

Feels crap and scratchy turning it to the left, and feels crap and scratchy turning to the right

Then I noticed the crap gear stick snapped off, so I decided I can't cope with it any more and put it in a box and moved it out of my sight


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