I was donated one of these recently, it was being used with a PS3, but as it's USB, it'll probably work with anything
Hmmm, Retropie?
The steering wheel is rubberized and feels quite nice, when it's turned it has some resistance, it feels like you're turning an electric motor
Half a turn each way is all it allows, and the gear stick doesn't have much movement, just a little up and down, like a paddle shift
Yes it could do with a clean, there has been an "attempt" to make it look like a car, the two octagonal poles are part of the clamping system, which hooks over the end of a table
9 pin D-sub connector, with two blanked off pins, this is for the pedals, and a power socket
The pedals, no clutch pedal is needed here. The brake pedal has some progressive resistance like you would expect, the accelerator pedal smoothly travels all the way down, also as you would expect
I am aware it needs a clean
And finally the PSU, 24V at 0.8A