Interact V3 Racing Wheel

This popped up on Facebook Marketplace for free, so obviously I had to have it, it's a 3rd party steering wheel with pedals for the original Playstation (or PSone) made by a company called Interact

It was boxed as well

This was originally bought at Beatties for £44.98. Do you remember them? I do

The box is text heavy with all its key selling points listed then translated into multiple languages

A nice plastic carrying handle and some dust I really did try to wipe off, honest

No polys though, but no damage, so that's good

Here's the wheel, it's a little dusty, it has lots of spongy feeling buttons, and a D-Pad

It has 300° of rotation, it will recentre as well, there's no feedback motor like there is with the Logitech Driving Force Pro, and it feels cheap

The base can either be placed on a table, or held under your legs

There is two adjustements you can make, the height and angle

It allows quite a lot of height adjustment, but not the angle

The pedals are really quite bad, the brake pedal will give way and make a horrible sound if you stamp on it too hard, the accelerator doesn't have much resistance to hold back the weight of my (fat) foot

The pedals attach to the wheel by way of a Mini-DIN connector, and it connects to the Playstation by the usual connector, which feels extremely cheap and can be squashed quite easily

It's not a good wheel for pro gamers

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