You have stumbled upon The Secret Room within the museum This is the area that is normally out of bounds to the general public. But you saw a dog, and you had to follow it like you were on a quest to find secret treasure, but the dog got distracted by a cat and chased it, which meant you had to chase after the dog, which was still chasing the cat. Soon you found yourself lost within the museum, with no sign of the dog, or any of the cats. Your only hope of survival was to climb over the rope which led you through the dark area and into the secret room which is where we are now So, now that you are here, what can you expect to see? Probably cats, as they like to hold important meetings about how annoying the dog is and the lack of treats here when they are not patroling the museum, but sometimes maybe some work in progress pages for exciting new retro items I've recently acquired, but are not ready for display yet In reality I use this area when I'm creating new exhibit pages for the museum, if there are any, they will be listed below Keep scrolling down to see what, if any pages are currently in development, and maybe meet some of the museums residents
List of pages in development
These pages are currently in development and are not representative of the final page and may contain spelling mistakes and factual errors There are no pages currently in development at this time
The cats of the museum
The following cats provide the security, and also provide the pest control throughout the museum, and if you're patient, and lucky, you may catch a glimpse of them lurking around the darker areas of the museum
Of course, being cats they are always a little annoyed with the behaviour of the museums staff and patrons
Usually just for existing in their space!
Duffy, the "very" annoying kitten of the group, one of her favourite things to do is wind up the dog
Charlie, the wanderer who disappears for days on end, then turns up and shouts at the patrons and staff
Coco, the elusive scaredy cat who really doesn't like the dog and will swat at him until he leaves her alone, which never happens
Olly, the elder of the group and king of all the cats, but he's still an orange cat who does orange cat things. Bizarre orange cat things
Rose, Miss Angry, is probably hissing and screaming at something or someone right now, but she is is very pretty and unbelievably soft, so gets away with it
And introducing the dog who brought you here... Freddie, who is more than likely outside barking at something no-one else can see
Other notable cats who are friends of the museum
Ronan, only here for a short time. R I P
Vader, the original "evil" genius. R I P
Yoda, the angriest cat who ever lived
Here are some more cat pictures, as you would expect, I have thousands of them
The dark area
I hope you all find this as interesting and as nostalgic as I do.
You are currently in The Secret Room, a place that not many people will ever see. You can consider yourself special for finding your way here, so please enjoy your stay before the cats inform security
When it's time to rejoin the normal museum, use the Rooms menu at the bottom
Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".
No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site
The cats are out on patrol at the moment, they may be back shortly. Or maybe they won'tThey're cats, they do what they want
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