A look at the Windows CE and Windows Mobile devices I have in my collection These could be (and were) used for gaming on the go Remember when Snake first appeared on Nokia mobile phones? Fast forward a couple of years and I had managed to remove the stupid application lock on my Orange SPV and now I could play Doom at any time I chose to. Then emulators arrived, and now I could play Super Nintendo Games, including Super Mario World, at any time I chose to. On my phone! It was a great time! There are 5 mobile devices in the museum
A brief look back at all the mobile phones I've owned, or had to put up with. I was 18 when I got my first mobile phone, from a branch of Phone City. As there was no pay as you go type accounts way back then, you had to have a contract, which meant you had to be at least 18, so there were no annoying kids with better phones than you. And as an added bonus, mobile phones with music players hasn't been invented, so no horrible teenagers playing tinny distorted music at the local shopping centre. How times have changed, once upon a time you could only make calls on a mobile phone.
Did you have one of these?
The dark area
I hope you all find this as interesting and as nostalgic as I do.
And if you do, why not check out the next page in my retro museum... Other
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Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".
No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site
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