A look at the printers I have in my collection Printing with style while making a hard copy of your finest work, maybe if you were lucky your parents put it on the fridge for all to seeI did have a printer with my Amiga, I think it was an Citizen dot-matrix type printer. I swapped a dashboard for a Mk1 Ford Fiesta for it. I can't remember what model it was although it was very loud. It eventually got thrown out because it was rubbish, and I never had any paper or ink for it.I also had an HP Deskjet, it was also rubbish, as are all HP printers. Yes, I said it! There are 6 printers in the museum
I was recently donated a printer, this is a Commodore MPS 803 printer and was the official printer for the Vic 20 and 64, the user manual shows a line drawing of a Vic 20 in the connection diagram, but it works with all the 8 bit Commodore home computers. Later there was a charcoal black version to match the C16 and Plus 4 computers, but it was the same printer with the same model number. In it's day it was regarded as a slow printer and it did not come with the tractor feed assembly which was an optional extra
We only popped into the shop to shelter from the rain, it looked like it was a general second-hand shop, but it contained lots of retro gaming goodies, although it was mostly stuff I already had. It was a great little shop in Spalding, Lincolnshire, and everywhere you looked there was more and more retro gaming greatness tucked in behind old DVD players and other cheap tat
Canon BJC-250 Color Bubble Jet Printer
I found a printer, it's a Canon BJC-250 Color Bubble Jet Printer, no idea if it works, this is possibly the printer that Apple "borrowed" to make the Stylewriter II, it all looks the same internally and the ports are in the same places etc
The dark area
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Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".
No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site
Did I just see a dog outside?
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