Compaq Mini CQ10-500SA

Here is my other netbook, I bought this from my daughter after she bought a new full size laptop, it's a higher spec from my EeePC's, although it has been through the wars a bit
It has a 1.4GHz single core but dual thread Atom processor, 1GB of RAM (upgraded to 2GB), 160GB hard disk, a 1024x600 screen, three USB ports, and a SDHC card reader
It originally shipped with Windows 7 Starter, which was OK, but it qualified for a free Windows 10 upgrade, which wasn't. So it was wiped and various Linux distros were installed, Zorin Linux is installed at the moment.
The Windows licence key was used on my desktop machine to validate the Windows 10 install

Not much going on on the top and bottom, the bottom has a vanity cover

Here you can see the battery and vanity cover removed, here you have access to the hard disc, RAM module, and wifi card

On the left side there is a power socket, VGA port, USB, and headphone socket. While on the right is the SDHC card reader, power switch, two USB's, and a Ethernet port

You can see the left CTRL key is missing, and also the battery won't hold any kind of charge, but it does work, and is quite fast when running Linux

Also the charger lead has been broken so many times there's hardly any of it left, but it works, and has a very long mains lead.

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