1541-II Floppy Disc Drive

I finally have a disk drive, it came with my Commodore 128, this is the later 1541-II model. I never had a floppy disc drive back in the day until I got my Amiga

On the front you can see two LED's, one for power, and the other for drive access, there's the lever to clamp the disc, an embossed Commodore "chicken lips" logo, and the badge
The rear has two serial ports (for passthrough to another device), a power socket, the power switch, and in the middle is the drive select DIP switches, these allowed you to change the device number meaning you could have two disc drives connected together without modding the circuit board
You may notice the original drive protector card is in the drive as well

The bottom of the disk drive with the serial number

The disk drive's PSU, all voltages are present and correct here

Serial disk drive cable. This drive will work on any Commodore 8-bit machine with the correct serial port, including the C16 and Plus/4 machines, as well as the Vic 20, the C64 (and C64c), and the C128

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