Ferguson 3840

I spotted this at another local car boot sale for £7, and in a moment of madness I decided I had to have it as I have no black and white TV's from the era, this will be mainly used for all the ZX81 and Pong machines I have

Minimal controls on the front as it's dominated by the screen. On/Off with Volume, and manual tuning is all you get here, there doesn't seem to be a fine tuning control like other TV's had. However the tuning goes from 21 to 68 as was common in the UK, there is a headphone socket at the bottom as well

The Brightness and Contrast controls are on top the TV, this design allows dust to enter the pots and make them all scratchy

The back of the TV, on the left there is an aerial socket with integrated loop antenna which is not fitted, but any aerial from a later 14 inch portable can be made to fit, there is a fuse and 12Vdc socket on the right side, and finally a vertical hold control under the label

Close up of the label and aerial socket

The TV in all its glory, being delicately lit from the sunlight streaming in through the window

I really need to create a dedicated photo booth!

As is common with things I pick up while on my travels, I haven't tested it yet, the seller did say it worked, but he would say that, wouldn't he?


I got as far as plugging it in, and it works, happy days. Now I just need to plug a ZX81 into it, or a Pong machine...

It's nice to see real analogue snow again, happy days

Another update

I finally got around to plugging a Pong console in, and it gives a great picture

This is exactly what you want, none of that PlayStation or Xbox nonsense

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