The 400 Mini

I wanted one of these when they were first released, but wasn't paying £99 for one, luckily they recently came down to £58 on Amazon, so obviously I had to buy one

The box is really nice which is like the other mini computers from Retro Games, and this one features the name Atari unlike the Commodores!

Lots of information about the device in different languages

A very nice box indeed

The unit itself, it looks very good, I don't have a real Atari 400 to compare it to, but roughly a quarter of the size and it's spot on as far as I can see. The keyboard obviously doesn't work, but the LED does

The base of the unit has the model label

There are four USB ports on the front like the original which had four joystick ports, the rear has another USB making five in total, HDMI, USB-C power, and the power button. The unit does not turn on when power is applied unlike The C64 Mini which is annoying

The sides show the profile of the unit, and are devoid of ports

The joystick looks like the original Atari joystick, it feels acceptable at best though

There are extra buttons on the joystick, apart from the stick and red fire button, there are four buttons in the orange ring, two buttons at the front of the stick, and a shoulder type button at the front on the opposite side to the cable. That's seven extra buttons

This is the base of the joystick

On first boot there is a short set up sequence to complete then it boots into the carousel which will be familiar to owners of the other mini recreations

Checking the firmware, version 1.0.0 which is the latest version right now

You can apply CRT effects and select a border to surround the games

The carousel

A good selection of games on offer, and you can add your own via USB as with the other minis

The games are Airball, Asteroids, Basketball, BattleZone, Berzerk, Boulder Dash, Bristles, Capture the Flag, Castle Crisis, Centipede, Crystal Castles, Elektraglide, Encounter, Flip and Flop, Henry’s House, Hover Bovver, Lee, M.U.L.E, Millipede, Miner 2049er, Missile Command, O’Riley’s Mine, Seven Cities of Gold, Star Raiders II, Super Breakout, Wavy Navy, and Yoomp!

All three of my minis set up and ready to play, The C64 Mini and The A500 Mini


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