Retro Collective
RMC The Cave

Photos from my visit to The Cave on the 11th February 2023

I have been following RMC Retro on Youtube for a while, and managed to visit Retro Collective's The Cave, which is on the top floor of an old mill in between Stroud and Cirencester. Please note there is no lift available to access anything not on the ground floor. However there's loads on display including a recreation of a 1980's computer game shop which is based on WHSmith when they used to sell computers and games

I spent a lot of time in my local WHSmiths back in the day, programming the computers on display to show rude messages to other customers after we left

The room you see on TV is smaller than it looks on TV, but there is loads to see and do. It really is a surprise just how much has been shoe horned in. There is also the Arcade Archive downstairs which contains arcade machines set to free play, but this is an additional cost, if I wanted to visit both, at £14 each, on the same day it would have cost me £25.20 per person as you do get a 10% discount when visiting both sites on the same day

Quite expensive compared to the other museums I've been to, but there's a lot more going on here, and some very rare machines on display


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