A look at the desktop computers I have in my collection Soon computers started to become useful for business. More advanced computers like the IBM 5150 started to appear in offices across the world, and they brought those new fancy hard disc drives with them. Ten to twenty megabytes of storage, who needs that much storage space? Being as beige and expensive as they were, they didn't immediately appeal to us gamers at first, until we worked out they could indeed run games, and they did a damn fine job at it as well! Where would Call of Duty be now without Wolfenstien 3D and Doom all those years ago? There are 10 desktop computers in the museum
Donated to the museum by Trevor Smith. Originally a Mac for the educational market (hence the e in eMac) but eventually available to all. This one has OSX10 or something like that, 640MB's of RAM and a 700MHz processor.It's very heavy and noisy, and I don't understand the appeal of Apple products. But all donations are gratefully received
The dark area
I hope you all find this as interesting and as nostalgic as I do.
And if you do, why not check out the next page in my retro museum... Displays
Or to quicky jump to another room of the museum, click or tap on Rooms at the bottom of this screen
Special thanks to my long-suffering partner Denise for putting up with all this "nonsense".
No cats were unnecessarily annoyed during the creation of this site
Did I just see a dog outside?
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